The Reason for the (Baseball) Season
I just got rejected from a sportswriting job, and I'm not too happy about it (well, it wasn't that my quality of writing wasn't good enough, but they weren’t looking for my age and all that jazz). This blog will be used to chronicle the upcoming season of the Texas Rangers while keeping my quality of writing the best it can be. The hope is to use this blog for my reference articles when I apply again.
Aside from this undertaking, I want to follow along with my team as closely as possible. I want to bear the joys (and pains) that the Rangers experience this year. I can't say I know whether it will bring more bliss or sorrow into my soul, but that's why we're here.
In reading this blog, you will hear a mix of annoying jubilations and horrifying rants. The amounts of these posts will be determined by how well the team does.
I will pull out a few posts before the season starts, and then one every other week once we get into the swing of things (no pun intended).
Thanks for coming along for the ride, and go Rangers!
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